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Number Max of pages in an pdf Report


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Hi every body,


I have 2 little questions :


- Does someone know what is the number max of pages we can have in an pdf Report (I have some memory problem <ligne>Java heap space</ligne>)

- I am using a textfield (the field is a string), and I have a string wich is only composed by figures (ex : 544063846406516540645340684). I export my report with the XlsExporter. In the Xls report the cell with this value is changed in 54406384640E10. Do you know how to avoid this transformation?

(I have already use this : export.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_TYPE, Boolean.FALSE); But it does not work)


Thank you in advance



PS : I use JasperReports 1.2.1

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There is no specific size limit for PDF files.

But if you are generating fairly large reports, you should consider using a report virtualizer, to minimize memory consumption, because otherwise JR would keep the whole document in-memory during filling and exporting.

Take a look at the supplied /demo/samples/virtualizer sample.


If you want your numeric string to remain text, set the IS_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_TYPE to Boolean.FALSE.

This deprecated flag is true by default for backward compatibility reasons.

The newer IS_DETECT_CELL_TYPE should not matter if the text field in the report template has an expression of type String.


I have tested with your number and what I told you seems to work. At least with the recent JR 1.3.3.


I hope this helps.


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