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Setting the title of a chart


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Hi all,

I'm trying out my first chart(using iReport 1.3.2) and am having a fail bit of success. This is a wonderful tool, the little of it I have seen.


One thing that I don't understand yet is the setting of the chart title.


I bring up the chart properties, and seeing the field "Chart title expression" I think, Hey, just type in the title "Cost Chart". So, I put in a title. That gives me a compile error, "Cost Chart cannot be resolved".

Clicking on the button to the right side of the property, I get the expressions editor. In the top left corner is my title, "Cost Chart", but, if I click "Check Expression" I get a error(not unexpected this time).


Can anyone help me to understand this expressions dialog and how it is used to configure my chart?

Or point me to a site where I is explained to a newbie. I've seen some tutorials around but they don't go into the use of the expression editor.




john ware

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