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Unable to use compile target in build.xml

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By: Mark Hayes - markh46

Unable to use compile target in build.xml

2003-04-06 23:53

JR 0.4.5

Ant 1.5.2

SDK 1.3.1_07


When I attempt to use the <compile> target for the query sample I get:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/xml/sax/helpers/DefaultHandler


I have tried everything I can think to track this down. If I invoke QueryApp from the command line, setting -classpath to the jar's in the JR lib directory, it works.


This fails:


<target name="compile">

<java classname="QueryApp" fork="true">

<sysproperty key="org.xml.sax.driver" value="org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"/>

<arg value="-Tcompile"/>

<arg value="-FQueryReport.xml"/>


<pathelement location="./"/>

<pathelement location="../../../classes"/>

<fileset dir="../../../lib">

<include name="**/*.jar"/>







But this works:


java -classpath .;......libtools.jar;......classes;......libxercesImpl.jar;......libxmlParserAPIs.jar;......libcommons-digester.jar;......libcommons-collections.jar;......libcommons-logging.jar;......libcommons-beanutils.jar -Dorg.xml.sax.driver=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser QueryApp -Tcompile -FQueryReport.xml

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