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JRSwapFileVirtualizer Problem


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In my client/server web application, i want to generate pdf reports for clients.

I have a 20 thousand recorded dataset (approximately 10 thousand pdf pages)

I tried JRFileVirtualizer but it didn't work for this huge set. Indeed, it worked fine for

nearly 2500 recorded sets. And then i used JRSwapFileVirtualizer but it did not work too.


My report consists of 2 subreports and a two times repeating image per a page. After my attempts

i got some error messages like these:


FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP NewGlobalRef, jvmtiError=JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER(100)

JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER(100): NewGlobalRef




No input source supplied to the exporter.


Here is some of my code snippet:


JRSwapFile mySwap = new JRSwapFile(TEMP_FILE_PATH,100,100);		
JRSwapFileVirtualizer swapVirtualizer = new JRSwapFileVirtualizer(JRFILEVIRTUALIZER_OBJECT_COUNT_INVOICE,mySwap);

Map parameters = new HashMap();
parameters.put("INVOICE_SUBREPORT_1", subreport1);
parameters.put("INVOICE_SUBREPORT_2", subreport2);
parameters.put(JRParameter.REPORT_VIRTUALIZER, swapVirtualizer);

jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, obj);


Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



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