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Do I need to recompile report?


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I have a report compiled in iReport. Can I use the following:



JasperPrint jp = JasperFillManager.fillReport( reportName, new HashMap(), mySqlConnection ):



where reportName is the .jasper file created from iReport. The report runs fine in iReport.



Or do I need to recompile the .jrxml file within the java application first?



If I can use the .jasper report, why would I get the following error from the JasperFillManager call:



Error loading expression class : Test_Report_1175101457897_481266



My report is named Test_Report.jasper. What to do the numeric suffixes refer to?



What should I look at first to figure out why I get this error? Like I said, it works fine in iReport and the database connection string is the same for both iReport and the application.

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