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Create a progress bar


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I use Jasper Report in my web application. Some reports take a lot of time for running (Final report can contains up to 12 000 page by report.)


I want to create a progress bar [exemple : 12 pages generated / 50 ] in my webapplication to know how many pages are process during this operation :


JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, rapParameters, connection);


Is it possible ?


For information, jasper report build approximatively one page by line of the resultset (of the main SQL request).


Sorry for my english speaking (I'am french)


Thank for your help...

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Hi fabboy, I thing a progress bar is a very good way to visual the loading and filling status. I'm having the same problem with big xml data sources ( >20MB ). For example:[color=#0000FF]FileInputStream fileInputStram = new FileInputStream(_xmlFile);InputStream inStram = new GZIPInputStream(fileInputStram);JRXmlDataSource jrxmlds = new JRXmlDataSource(inStram, "report.jasper"); // takes > 2 minJasperPrint jpr = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperInputStream, parameters, jrxmlds);JasperViewer jv = new JasperViewer(jpr,false);jv.show();[/color]Is there any possibility to visual the actual status and the left time to show the jasperViewer?with best regardsDaniel


Post edited by: buedenbenderd, at: 2007/08/08 07:28

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