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php Login web service failed


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I have install the jasperserver and I try to access with the php Web service sample,

The script failed ( get_class($result) == 'SOAP_Fault' ) and I don't understand why, the only thing that I've change is the $webservices_uri parameter in the client.php ( $webservices_uri = "http://myipserver:8080/jasperserver/services/repository"; ) and don't have any error descripcion..


the script



if ($username != '')


$result = ws_checkUsername($username, $password);



The result

stdClass Object ( [faultcode] => Client [faultstring] => [faultactor] => [detail] => )


If I try to access to the url with the navegador, it works fine ( with tomcat/tomcat )


I hope that you can help me, thanks very much

Post edited by: bbean, at: 2007/03/27 16:50

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I try to test it with the ireport plugins and it works well...


So I thinks that it's an script o configuration problem in my client server ( the jasperserver web service seem works fine because works with the ireport of my PC )


Any idea of the problem?

Thanks a lot

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the script uses $HTTP_*_VARS to get access to GET, POST, SESSION variables. depending to your php version and settings, you may need to change them:






$GLOBALS should be left as it is.



In addition, check the $options["webservice_uri"] (or something like that) and check the server and the port. It defaults to localhost:8080. So if your scenario is different you have to change it.



Hope this helps.

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Thanks a lot nucflash but it seem not the problem... T've try a simple script :


with an error user login



$connection_params = array("user" => "tomcat2", "pass" => "tomcat");

$info = new SOAP_client("http://XX.XXX.XX.XX:8080/jasperserver/services/repository", false, false, $connection_params);



and with a correct user login



$connection_params = array("user" => "tomcat", "pass" => "tomcat");

$info = new SOAP_client("http://XX.XXX.XX.XX:8080/jasperserver/services/repository", false, false, $connection_params);



and the result is the same


SOAP_Client Object


[_endpoint] => http://XX.XXX.XX.XX:8080/jasperserver/services/repository

[_portName] =>

[_endpointType] =>


[wire] =>

[_last_request] =>

[_last_response] =>

[_options] => Array


[trace] =>



[_encoding] => UTF-8

[headersOut] =>

[headersIn] =>

[_proxy_params] => Array


[user] => tomcat2

[pass] => tomcat



[_soap_transport] =>

[_XMLSchema] => Array


[0] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema

[1] => http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema



[_XMLSchemaVersion] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema

[_typemap] => Array


[http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema] => Array


[string] => string

[boolean] => boolean

[float] => float

[double] => float

[decimal] => float

[duration] => integer

[dateTime] => string

[time] => string

[date] => string

[gYearMonth] => integer

[gYear] => integer

[gMonthDay] => integer

[gDay] => integer

[gMonth] => integer

[hexBinary] => string

[base64Binary] => string

[normalizedString] => string

[token] => string

[language] => string

[NMTOKEN] => string

[NMTOKENS] => string

[Name] => string

[NCName] => string

[iD] => string

[iDREF] => string

[iDREFS] => string

[ENTITY] => string

[ENTITIES] => string

[integer] => integer

[nonPositiveInteger] => integer

[negativeInteger] => integer

[long] => string

[int] => integer

[short] => integer

[byte] => string

[nonNegativeInteger] => integer

[unsignedLong] => integer

[unsignedInt] => integer

[unsignedShort] => integer

[unsignedByte] => integer

[positiveInteger] => integer

[anyType] => string

[anyURI] => string

[QName] => string



[http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema] => Array


[i4] => integer

[int] => integer

[boolean] => boolean

[string] => string

[double] => float

[float] => float

[dateTime] => string

[timeInstant] => string

[base64Binary] => string

[base64] => string

[ur-type] => string



[http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/] => Array


[base64] => string

[array] => array

[Array] => array

[struct] => array





[_defaultObjectClassname] => stdClass

[_namespaces] => Array


[http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/] => SOAP-ENV

[http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema] => xsd

[http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance] => xsi

[http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/] => SOAP-ENC



[_namespace] =>

[_xmlEntities] => Array


[&] => &

[<] => <

[>] => >

['] => '

["] => "



[_doconversion] =>

[_attachments] => Array




[_wsdl] =>

[_section5] => 1

[_auto_translation] =>

[_type_translation] => Array




[_debug_flag] =>

[_debug_data] =>

[_encodings] => Array


[0] => ISO-8859-1

[1] => US-ASCII

[2] => UTF-8



[_myfaultcode] => Client

[fault] =>

[_debug] =>

[_default_error_mode] =>

[_default_error_options] =>

[_default_error_handler] =>

[_error_class] => SOAP_Fault

[_expected_errors] => Array







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