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jasper intelligence install problem on windows


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i am trying to install jasper intelligence on xp with the bundled tomacat but with exsisting mysql

i pointed to the bin directory used or localhost user name and password of the root but i get all the time the same error : unable to connect to database - any ideas ?


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Yes, using (localhost), the correct mysql port number, username and password should get you connected during the installation. Another thing to try is logging into mysql directly to validate that your information is correct (and mysql is actually up and running).


mysql -u <db-username> -p -h --port 3306


I believe that the installer should run fine even if the mysql password is "blank". But I'll double-check this.



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  • 4 months later...

I just downloaded the JS 2.0 installer to my W2K (as I had the same issue with the not able to connect to DB with the 1.2.1 installer) and tried to install JS on an exosting MySQL db on a foreign machine. Login, IP and Port are correct, and a connection to this DB works.

No changes in behaviour - the installer tells me that he cannot connect.

Why does this fail?


Do I really need to install manually? Or is there any workaround and I was too blind to see the thread?




Kai Schmitte

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If you can connect from your client system to the remote DB using the 'mysql' command line tool, then ignore the comments that follow.


MySQL on a remote system requires to have the its user configure to accept connections from a remote (client) system


Normally MySQL on a local machine is configured to allow connections for root as follows



If you require to allow connections to the MySQL Server from a remote system you will need to configure the root user to also allow for:






The root@% states that you are allowing MySQL Server to accept connections for the user root from any system

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Hello Shija03,


thanks again for your quick response!

Unfortunatly I can access the (remote) DB from my local machine - at least with my SQL client (Aqua Data Studio).


May there any incompatibility? Maybe in the MySQL version I use?


Thanks for any help!



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Keep in mind that the installer does not run successfully under Windows 2000. This is due to the environment space limitation (in a cmd shell) in W2K.


In order to populate the sample data, the installer runs the jasperserver import utility which is a java app. When all of the jasperserver jars are included on the classpath, it runs out of space and fails.


Try installing to any more recent windows systems and that should work.



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Hello tkavangh,


do you mean the path length issue for the sample data? Or are there other restrictions also?


I have already read http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=&func=view&catid=10&id=22080.

And, I was able to install JasperServer 1.2.1 without the smaple data on the same machine using the embedded MySQL and Tomcat.


My current aim is to install JS on the same machine again - but now with a seperate MySQL (which is regularly backed up) and on the tomcat which is running as W2K service.

Will there be any compatibility issue, or can I set up & run JS on W2K in this setup? (If I use a manual install)


Thanks for your help!




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Needing to step forward, I decided to install JS 2.0 manually.

Worked fine after exploding the WAR file to find config issues - although a manual for the manual installation (enhanced chapter 7: "Database Configuration") would be really nice.


Thanks for your help!



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