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connecting to olap server with xml/ a


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Hello community,

i'm trying to connect ireport to jasperserver via xml/ a so i'm able to use the new warehouse explorer. I`ve created a Mondrian xml/ a datasource on jasperserver named olapxmladefintion. I've named the catalog like my schema is named 'olapschema'.

When I'm trying to connect to jasperserver from ireport with xml/ a connection a Datasource is shown named:



That is the right connection i think, but no catalog is shown. I've tried several descriptions for the catalog like Foodmart or simply olap.


Which description is the right one?

I'm not using foodmart database! The name of my Schema is OLAP.


Hope someone can help me?!

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this is a relatively new feature, so it hasn't been well documented yet. The datasource in the XML/A connection must match the name of the catalog, so try




if your catalog is named 'olapschema'.


hope this helps.

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Hi Everyone!!

May be XMLA connection definitions is different from the way in JI.


I tried defining connection to mondrian using xmla it worked. here is the screen shot attached...



Here is what i did:-

Deployed mondrian.war on Tomcat application server.


XMLA Server url is required so i passed


and clicked "Get metadata" button. It discovers all the datasources that are present on the XMLA Server, based on the datasource selected it displays the catalog and based on the catalog it displays the cubes. i select the cube and save the connection information after verification (Test).

Now, from IR Wizard or Report query dialog When i click the design query it opens up the Rex Wizard to design my mdx query.

Hope this info helps

Post edited by: sure919, at: 2007/02/28 07:53

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Hi sure919,


I already connected to JI trough ireport on a blank version(Samples installed) of JI (JR 1.2) with the foodmart and sugarcrm datasource, so the steps i've to make to connect are well known to me.

But no I've to connect to our own olap database.

And there is the problem that ireport shows me the correct provider and datasource, but no catalog appears in the drilldown box. So I'm able to connect to the databse through xml/a, but now catalog is found.


But thanxx that you have taken a look at my problem.

Did you connect to foodmart or to an own olap database?



jens noering

Post edited by: jens_noering, at: 2007/02/28 09:24

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Hi Jens Noering,


I need to look into your datasources.xml file. This file contains the

1. datasource information,

2. Catalog information (xml format). along with the DB info.

later the Catalog contains the cube information.

Could you please upload your "datasources.xml" file (you could find this in WEB-INF folder like "C:apache-tomcat-5.5.12webappsmondrianWEB-INF").

I am attaching my datasources.xml file, hope this helps



[file name=datasources.xml size=1155]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/datasources.xml[/file]

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Thanxx Sure,


dont know why, but there was no Datasources.xml in the




After I noticed that, I made my one one. Please take a look at it.


As you can see in my folderdescription, i'm running the olap server on JI 1.1.

Database is MySQL. MySQl Database is named olap.

Olap Schema File Path =



Hope you can help me [file name=datasources-070fd19117e73a26dc22b6f58d2d77fc.xml size=554]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/datasources-070fd19117e73a26dc22b6f58d2d77fc.xml[/file]

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I fixed my problem finally. Simply, I thought I had jasper server 1.2 but it was 1.1


Now that I have updated, I do see my catalog and my cube but when I go in the query designer (with the XMLA connection and query language set to "XMLA-MDX") I have the following message : "defaultCloseOperation must be one of : DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE, HIDE_ON_CLOSE, or DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE".


Funny enough! Anyone else has this message? This bug should be easy to fix.



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datasources.xml is not used by JI. All the configuration for XML/A datasources is done by creating a XMLA Definition in the repository on the server.


Then you can connect to this from iReport, or from an XMLA Connection on the same or another JI server.


I'm not too knowledgeable about connecting with iReport, but I have tested this for the XMLA Connection method.

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ok installed Jasperserver 1.2 and tried to connect to my olap database. That is working well, but now the problem is, that the same error appears:

defaultCloseOperation must be one of: DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE, HIDE_ON_CLOSE, or DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE


Maybe a java version problem?

Installed JRE 1.6


Anybody got the same problem?

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jdcryans wrote:

Now that I have updated, I do see my catalog and my cube but when I go in the query designer (with the XMLA connection and query language set to "XMLA-MDX") I have the following message : "defaultCloseOperation must be one of : DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE, HIDE_ON_CLOSE, or DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE".
Funny enough! Anyone else has this message? This bug should be easy to fix.



Yes I do

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Me too. Tried running Ireport with JRE1.5_11, without success.


jdcryans wrote:

jdcryans wrote:
Now that I have updated, I do see my catalog and my cube but when I go in the query designer (with the XMLA connection and query language set to "XMLA-MDX") I have the following message : "defaultCloseOperation must be one of : DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE, HIDE_ON_CLOSE, or DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE".
Funny enough! Anyone else has this message? This bug should be easy to fix.



Yes I do

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