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Page break problem

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By: Ryan Johnson - delscovich

Page break problem

2002-08-16 17:04

Hi all,


I have a report with two columns, and if there are enough data rows to start the second column, the report becomes two pages long, with a blank second page. I've tried everything I can think of to make sure it's not some setting (summaryNewPage="false", etc), and nothing seems to make a difference. This happens in both 3.2 and 3.3, as near as I can tell. Any ideas?








By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Page break problem

2002-08-19 05:05




I think I know what the problem is.


It is indeed caused by the summary section,

but not by the "isSummaryNewPage" flag as you



The summary will get printed on the same page as

the last row ONLY IF on this last page of the report

there is only one column started and no more.


Why? Because if there is more than one column

started, it means that the first one has run to the

bottom of the page already, and there won't be any

space left for the summary section on this page.


You could say that your summary section has the

height equal to zero and therefore we should not

start a new page just to leave it blank. But the

summary height equal to zero does not mean that

you cannot place zero height text fields that would

stretch with overflow and get printed anyway.


So, this is how the library was always working and

the only solution I see is to add

the "printWhenExpression" functionality at band

level. This is on my to do list, but never got the

chance to give it a serious thought. I'll try.


Thank you,







By: Zsolt Berentey - zberentey

RE: Page break problem

2003-03-21 11:45



I would like to propose a patch:


As you've suggested somewhere in the forum, an ugly solution would be to check the print file for empty page. This gave me the idea to patch the isToPrint method if JRFillBand. Here it is:


protected boolean isToPrint()


if (this.isPrintWhenExpressionNull() ||

(!this.isPrintWhenExpressionNull() &&



if ((getHeight() == 0) && (getElements().length == 0) && (getChildren().size()==0))

return false;


return true;



return false;




This prevents the summary to be printed when there are no elements in it AND its height is 0. Do you see any problems with this? It solved my problem of an unwanted empty page at the end of the report...




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