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Stretch rectangle around field as it grows.


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Hi! I just searched the forum and couldn't find a solution to my problem, so here it is, I have a rectangle around two elements in which one might grow larger than its original size (stretch with overflow) so the rectangle around it should grow with it, but it doesn't! I've tried all possible different combinations of stretch types with fields and the rectangle, also tried grouping them, but nothing worked! The text always overflows going over the rectangle :(


The worst part is i need it urgently! Is there a solution for this? Thanks in advance for any info!

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spipe wrote:

dont use a rectagle if it s urgent but a background color:lol:


The problem with the way you suggest, i can have no left/right margin between the text and the box, and that looks ugly and the client doesn't want it like that :(


But I found a work around, for each field which needs that box around, i made it into a subreport and put the field and the box in the detail band, so when the detail band stretches because of the stretching field, i tell the surrounding box to stretch with it(RelativeToBandHeight option), so now i can have that darn box around the field! But i still wish there was an easier way to accomplish this!

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spipe wrote:

dont use a rectagle if it s urgent but a background color:lol:


The problem with the way you suggest, i can have no left/right margin between the text and the box, and that looks ugly and the client doesn't want it like that :(


But I found a work around, for each field which needs that box around, i made it into a subreport and put the field and the box in the detail band, so when the detail band stretches because of the stretching field, i tell the surrounding box to stretch with it(RelativeToBandHeight option), so now i can have that darn box around the field! But i still wish there was an easier way to accomplish this!

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