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Creating a Hibernate connection in iReport


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Hello! That's the problem:

When I try to create a Hibernate connection (iReport 1.3.0) I get the following error after clicking the 'Test' button:


"An AnnotationConfiguration instance is required to use <mapping clazz="MyClass"/>"


I guessed it was missing some jars to classpath, then I imported hibernate.jar, hibernate-annotations.jar. I also did my application directory to the classpath. But it was always the same error.

All Jaybird (Firebird) jars were also imported to classpath.


MyClass is the first class mapped in my hibernate.cfg.xml, so I guess iReport is 'reading' the xml file.


All my configuration settings can be found in this cfg.xml. I mean dialect, driver, user, password, etc...


I trying to create this kind of connection cause I want to write HQL to query data. I guess this is the best way to work with Hibernate/iReport.


Can somebody help me solving this problem?


Ps. in my cfg.xml i did NOT write 'mapping clazz' with double Z. I wrote 'class', double S.




Post edited by: kopcheski, at: 2007/02/12 11:03

Post edited by: kopcheski, at: 2007/02/12 15:39

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