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By: steven buschman - sbusch1


2003-03-10 17:54

I apologize in advance for being an XML newbie.


I have over 50 different reports to design and seem convinced JasperReports is the way to go (I made a big mistake and purchased Crystal Reports). However, designing these reports seems very time consuming. So it's worth it for me to buy the best XML editor available.I heard good things about xmlspy (about $400).







By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: xmlspy

2003-03-11 00:42




Maybe you should consider using a GUI tool for

JasperReports. This way, you'll have little to do

with manually editing XML content.


You can choose one from here:




I hope this helps.







By: steven buschman - sbusch1

RE: xmlspy

2003-03-11 13:42



I've already played with JasperEdit and JasperDesign. At the risk of sounding critical, both appear to be works in progress, whereas (at the risk of sucking up) JasperReports is ready for prime time (I sell a medical product, so I need to be fairly conservative). For me, JasperReports primary appeal is not price (half lie - Crystal Reports isn't an option, because of per desk licensing fees), but because it's very powerful (hopefully, it's fast for a 50 page report). Strictly by chance, I've been using iText alone for about 10 months, not because of price (half lie again) and I feel that I couldn't have finished my application without it, open source or not


So back to a GUI, it's worth it for me to have the best because time to market is a zillion times more important than price (I'm one of those rare birds who's willing to pay $$$ for open source, especially when it's used for a commerical purpose). So, if you honestly think these packages are better than xmlspy, then I'll take your word for it, but if you think otherwise, or you know of an alternative XML editor, I'd appreciate your suggestions.


I'd like to add that the person doing the editing probably won't be a programmer, so ease of use is VERY important.










By: Edgar Dollin - edollin

RE: xmlspy

2003-03-17 18:31

iReports is decent at layout. You still need an ant task to run the report to get the classpath and parameters correct.



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