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Problem with xml entity loading in iReport


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I'm new to this forum, but i'm using JasperReports for a half year now and i like it a lot.


Lately i'm working on rewriting my reports from reportFont tag to Styles tag and as i have found out, it is possible to extract common styles out into separate xml entity file and then include it in all reports i'm using those styles in.

I've managed to print report which includes relatively pointed to xml entity file in TestCase environment as well as JBoss AS environment in which my reporting service runs.


I'm having problem with loading this xml entity file in iReport 1.2.8, because as i have found out, it is searching for this relatively pointed to xml entity from point where the jrxml report file is.

I have certain directory structure made for all my reports and the entity file is in root of this structure, because it is referenced from various reports.


I hope that my description is understandable, if not please don't hesitate to ask.


Could anyone please help/comment on my problem, prefferably iReport developers?


Thank you in advance.

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Well, my problem with path is solvable the way that i'll be searching for entity file downwards by "/../../" instead going up from common root.


But even if i remake my code to go this way(which will be long way), when i make changes to report in which i have xml entity included and then save it, iReport save styles localy into this report and dereferences entity file.

For example: try saving QueryReport.jrxml from jasperreports-project/demo/samples/query.

You'll see that included reference to entity file disappears and styles appear in that report.

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I guess i didn't formulate my questions correctly.


Here goes:


Would it be possible to add functionality in iReport for user to change systemID(RelativeURI) of InputSource of jrxml file that will be loaded with xml entity file, so that relatively pointed to (downwards) xml entities could be loaded?


Would it be possible to add functionality in iReport when user saves jrxml file in iReport with xml entity file, that after save the xml entity file would stay referenced in jrxml file?


Thank you.

Post edited by: Nico, at: 2006/11/22 13:29

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