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Using JavaBeans as datasource


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Hi All, this question has been asked several times on this forum and other forums but unfortunately there's been no post (s) that actually provides a proper example or solution.


I am trying to use javabeans as the datasource for my jasper reports. Does anyone have an example on how to implement this step by step ? I have seen some examples but none of them addresses the problem or provide a step by step guide.


If there links to tutorials on using javabeans as a datasource in ireports or jasper reports that will be fully appreciated.



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To use java beans is fairly straight forward. Just create either a collection or an array of the bean object and encapsulate that in either a JRBeanArrayDataSource or JRBeanCollectionDataSource. Just make sure the object your encapsulating adheres to the beans standard...

1. No public visibility fields

2. Properly named getter/setter methods.

3. Default no-args c-tor


To fill your report, you would have something like...




	ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
al.add(new SomeBean("SomeParam"«»));
al.add(new SomeBean("SomeParam"«»));
al.add(new SomeBean("SomeParam"«»));
al.add(new SomeBean("SomeParam"«»));
al.add(new SomeBean("SomeParam"«»));
al.add(new SomeBean("SomeParam"«»));
al.add(new SomeBean("SomeParam"«»));

JRBeanCollectionDataSource ds = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(al);

JasperReport jasperReport;
JasperPrint jasperPrint;

jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(ROOT_DIR + "myReport.jrxml"«»);
Map customParameters = new HashMap();

jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(
jasperReport, customParameters, ds);

jasperPrint, "c:\test_output.pdf"«»);

catch (JRException e)




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Thanks robin, I will implement the solution using the guide as provided by you. I dont thnik I will run into problems. That looks to be simple and easy and not complicated as I first thought. I'll write up a manual afterwards so people can benefit from such an example.



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