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Displaying group bands horizontal


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In iReports if you create a new report, and new group, all the bands are vertical in the report. For Example,







my group



page footer

last page footer



I would like the bands to go horizontally across the page.


|background |title|... |mygroup|.. |page footer|...


Is there a way to change the groups so that they are defined across the report page horizontal?


The reason I want that is because I have two groups.


Group 1 has three rows returned in a grid(it's a subreport)


Group 2 is a summary chart (again a subreport) of that grid data.


I want to display them next to each other horizontally


Grid report | Summary Graph Report


It would work if I could get the groups to be Horizontal.


I'm so close :)


Thanks for your help



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thing is you can arrange the amount of columns horizontally, but are you also able to control the amount of rows within a band? Eg if I want 2 rows with 4 columns in each. Or does the iReport tool automatically continue on the next row after the first? If you have an answer please gimme a hollor :):)
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I have a suggestion for your problem. If you use 2 subreports, why don't you put one near other, on the same group and set their page margins on 0. See if this is the expected result.



Sorry for the duplicate.

Post edited by: cris_tyna, at: 2007/06/08 14:07

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