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NullPointerException when increasing band height


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I am using version 1.2.5. during filling of barchart, I got this error:

java.lang.NullPointerException ÂÂÂÂatÂnet.sf.jasperreports.charts.fill.JRFillCategoryDataset.customIncrement(JRFillCategoryDataset.java:136) ÂÂÂÂatÂnet.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillElementDataset.increment(JRFillElementDataset.java:169)


but I didn't get the error if I lower the band height and chart height.


attached are jrxml file for both conditions.


It looks like the JRFillCategorySeries.evaluate it is not called during fillPageBreak.


Anyway to workaround for this? [file name=test_error.jrxml size=6127]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/test_error.jrxml[/file]

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AllGroup is created so it will only display one chart.

as the requirement is to display summary of all country in the chart.


is there any other way to it?


What makes me wonders is if I reduce the band height and chart height, the report can run correctly. and it fails if I increase the band height and chart height. is it problem with the way I design the report?

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Have you tried to set AllGroup as evaluation group for the chart placed on the AllGroup header? This is what I was suggesting in my previous post..


The fact that the report works when you change some band height is due only to chance (it happens that a CountryGroup gets rendered on the same page as the AllGroup header).




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