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Grazy Mos

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Is it possible to store the result files you get from the scheduler on a local pc instead of a directory on the server?



I dont want to have the exucuted reports saved in jasperIntelligence. But I dont want to remove the complete scheduler. The users should have the option to schedule the reports and get the results in their mailbox :)



Is there a way to remove the Content Repository option in the scheduler or to modify it so it could store the executed reports on a local pc.



Thanks in advance,



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What do you mean by a "local pc"? Is it a machine that an user uses to connect to the JI server? If so, how would the scheduler, which runs on the server, save the result on a file system located on the client machine?


Regarding your second question: the current JI code always saves job results into the repository. Theoretically (and if the license permits it) one could extends some JI classes to inhibit this, but since the JI source code has not been made public yet, this would be pretty difficult to achieve.




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I see how its impossible to save it to a local users pc when the user isnt logged on. So that wouldnt be an option in this case.



I just want to prevent my server to be full of executed reports. Is it possible to make a temp folder where the reports could be stored for a day then get deleted? And is it possible to remove all directory's in the Content Repository except this temp folder?



ps. the Run in Background functionality also has this 'problem'.



Thanks in advance,



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If you need a temp folder which will get cleaned periodically, you'd have to implement such a feat yourself as there is nothing similar in the JI code. You could maybe use the maintenanceScheduler defined in applicationContext-logging.xml to define a job that cleans the temp folder.


I don't understand your second question. You can delete any folder you want, JI doesn't impose a folder structure.




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I was talking about the combobox options in the Content Repository behind the folder label




Content Repository







The combobox automaticly gives all the folders where the user has (read)acces to. Since i only want those folders to be read only shouldnt it be logic they wouldnt be in the write-to-folder-combobox?


thanks in advance,



Post edited by: Grazy Mos, at: 2006/11/16 12:14

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The output folder list should contain only folders for which the user has write access. You can post a bug regarding this here.


In the meantime, you can override the folder list by extending com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ReportJobEditAction:


public class MyReportJobEditAction extends ReportJobEditAction {

public Event setOutputReferenceData(RequestContext context) {
Event event = super.setOutputReferenceData(context);

List folders = (List) context.getRequestScope().get(getContentFoldersAttrName());
if (folders != null) {
for (ListIterator it = folders.listIterator(); it.hasNext();«») {
Folder folder = (Folder) it.next();
if (filter(folder)) {

return event;

protected boolean filter(Folder folder) {


and by changing the type of the reportJobEditAction (defined in actionBeans.xml) to the extended class.




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