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Problems with charting and JRMapArrayDataSource


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i am passing JRMapArrayDataSource to the fillmanager. In the datasource i´ve got two values as String (one is casted from Integer to String to pass it as a map).


I can display both values in a simple Report without charting.


Now i want to do a pie chart with these two values. The report compiles fine, but the fillmanager throws an JRException saying that he has problems evaluating the expression for the Value-Field of the PieChart.



I declared the Field as java.lang.Object and cast it to Integer in the value-Expression field:

<valueExpression><!(java.lang.Integer) [CDATA[$F{Interger_as_String_Field}]]></valueExpression>


but it still throws a JRException saying that he has problems evaluating the expression for the Value-Field of the PieChart.

So how can i chart from a JRMapArrayDataSource with the values passed as Strings?


I have the feeling that i am overlooking something essential. Can someone point me to the right direction?


best regards,



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solved my problems.




now i am able to chart from BeanDataSources :-).


Still i am confused why the engine cant handle:




best regards,



Post edited by: midrag, at: 2006/11/06 08:58

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