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Hebrew words are in the wrong direction


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The report I want to create should contein a hebrew text.

But when I try to write it, the hebrew words appear in the wrong

direction (ltr instead of rtl).


In order to solve it, I set the local property:


Locale locale = new Locale("he","IL"«»);  
parameters.put(JRParameter.REPORT_LOCALE, locale);
jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport,parameters,dataSource);



But this didn't affect the output of the report.


Maby there are some special actions that I should

do in the jrxml file in addition to the mantioned code in the datasouce?



Does anyone have an idea, how to solve this problem?




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Are you experiencing these problems in a particular export format? Have you tried see the report output in the JRViewer (Swing viewer)?


You could take a look at our /demo/samples/unicode sample provided with the project source files, where there is a text displaying Hebrew.


I hope this helps.


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Can you check if in PDF the Hebrew text displays correctly? Or even in JasperPrint format when viewed with our Swing JasperViewer?

If you have a particular Hebrew text chunck that presents this problem, could you embed it into the Unicode.JRXML file and attach it here so that we are able to reproduce it?


So far we are aware about a similar issue that we've been tracking here:



Thank you,


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Sorry, I didn't answer you, but I was away last week.


This problem appeared with any hebrew text,

like ×©×œ×•× ×œ×›×•×œ×. Even in very simple report, that contains a single static text box.


Another point, is that this report worked almost fine when it was created on Linux, but was printed wrong in Windows (the hebrew is installed on this computer).

In the Linux there was another problem - the Justified alignment didn't worked well with hebrew in rtf (in pdf its ok).


Hope I described the problem clearly,


Lena :)

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  • 7 months later...



is there a solution for right-to-left writing in iReport for hebrew because i am stuck with this problem.


i have some reports that support left to right direction and i need the same report to support the RTL direction depend on the language of the client.


thanks in advance.

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hi lena,


thank you for replying to me...


i am exporting to pdf also and i have no problem in writing hebrew... characters.


my problem is like this, if i have a report that shows cars in the stock for example:


(left to right, left side of the page)

bmw 20

audi 6

gmc 5


i want the cars to be right to left in case of hebrew-arabic-farsi


*********************************************20 bmw

********************************************6 audi

******************************************* 5 gmc

right side of the page

(* is blanks)

cars name will be in hebrew-arabic-farsi of - course.


i want the same report to support both ltr and RTL langauges.


i hope i could explained myself


thanks a lot.

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