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Error listenerStart


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I can't start JasperIntellicenge 1.1.0 on linux ubuntu 6.06:


Linux 2.6.15-27-386

mysql 5.0.22

tomcat 5.5.20

java 1.5.0_06-b05


download jasperintelligence-1.1.0-bin.zip

follow JasperIntelligence War File Install Guide Version 1.1.0


unzip jasper.. put jasperserver.war in ../webapps, start tomcat



there is new directory ..webapps/jasperserver

there is ../conf/Catilina/localhost/jasperserver.xml


but not start jasperserver


from browser get


type Status report

message /jasperserver/

description The requested resource (/jasperserver/) is not available.



edit jasperserver.xml with my db account

username="root" password=""

also mysql port to 3306


not start again





with my db account like above

not start again


from browser get always


type Status report

message /jasperserver/

description The requested resource (/jasperserver/) is not available.


from logs


Oct 8, 2006 10:31:57 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start

SEVERE: Error listenerStart

Oct 8, 2006 10:31:57 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start

SEVERE: Context [/JasperIntelligence] startup failed due to previous errors


Thanks in advance and sorry for my broken English

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Closed by myself!


First of all (for ubuntu) don't use

libmysql-java for jdbc driver from synaptic




download direct from www.mysql.com



under <tomcat-dir>/common/lib/


Pay attention in context.xml there is a sly string



database is jasperserver if you follow instruction on pdf file


Also I move context.xml

to <tomcat-dir>/conf/Catalina/localhost

with new name jasperserver.xml

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