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JasperDesign et al properties


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Hi All,


I know we are working on a little bit old version of JasperReports but this is what happens.


We are currently working with version JasperReports v1.2.2 and we are trying to upgrade to v1.2.7 but we found that most properties from JasperDesign are gone in this version.


Also the property listeners and dispatchers for this class are gone. Our software used to register as a listener of the JasperDesign and modify it dinamically while listening to property changes to respond to these changes.


I couldn't find where this change happened and what is the right migration path now. Our software is tightly coupled with this feature and will require major changes.




Sean C. McCarthy

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I'm responsable for removing those event handling methods a few versions ago.

The reason was that the support for change events in the API was incomplete and they were put there initially more like a failed attempt to make the JasperDesign object model suitable for use inside visual designers.


I removed them in what was a cleanup operation at the moment. We thought since the API is incomplete in that respect, nobody would actually use it.

You proved us wrong!... :-)


The question is: what to do to help you upgrade...

Tough question! Let's think about it...

If you have any suggestion, please let us know.




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Hi Teodor,


That was exactly our use for it. We were using it on a designer to modify the reports.


I guess that the best thing to do now, is just to inherit/delegate the calls. That way we can add support for property change and catch the changes before happening and refactor the code to use other interfaces for constats as the band names, etc.


If you have a better idea, I would love to hear it.


It's a lot of boilerplate code but at least we don't have to rewrite the application now.


Thanks again,



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