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Changing landing page by role


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I want to change the landing page of the built-in ROLE_USER to listreports.html (the list of completed reports).


I edited WEB-INF/jasperserver-servlet.xml. It has a loginController bean with properties "homePageByRole" and "defaultHomePage". I changed it to look like the following:


<property name="homePageByRole">
<property name="defaultHomePage">


I also changed applicationContext-security.xml to give ROLE_USER access to listreports.html.


Trouble is, my users that have only the ROLE_USER role are still landing on flow.html?_flowId=repositoryFlow. Even if I change the defaultHomePage property to listreports.html, they land on the same wrong page.


I also tried using flow.html?_flowId=listReportsFlow, instead of listreports.html, but I got the same results.


Do you see a step I'm missing here?



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  • 1 year later...


I am also facing same problem when I tried to Change the home page to home.jsp.

I have changed in jasperserver-servlet.xml as follows


<property name="homePageByRole">

<list> <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR|home</value>




<property name="defaultHomePage">




But first time it goes to /flow.html?_flowId=repositoryFlow default.


after from second login it works perfectly from the same browser session.

Any solution to resolve this problem.






If I give "redirect:/home.html" its not working. Have to specify simply "home", it works from second time.

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The user is presented flow.html?_flowId=repositoryFlow on the first login because of index.htm which redirects to this location. Change index.htm to redirect to home.html to fix the issue.


home.html is mapped to a controller that redirects or forwards the requests to the configured home page for the user/role. Hence using home.html as role home page results in an infite loop of redirections. Using "home" results in forwarding the request to home.jsp, which is the desired behaviour.




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  • 6 months later...

I changed the configurations as you told.

I now have the following configurations:



<property name="homePageByRole">
<property name="defaultHomePage">




<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=home.html">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

If your browser doesn't automatically go there,
you may want to go to <a href="home.html">the destination</a>



But i am still getting the redirection to repository.

Am i doing something wrong?

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