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iReport Internationalization


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I made report in iReport with internationalization support for czech language.

I have problem with character encoding of properties file. I think that loaded parameters have another encoding as report.

Report encoding is set to UTF-8, all characters from database are correct, only from properties file not. Property file is in UTF-8 also.

Knows somebody, in which character encoding are loaded data from properties file?

Or has somebody the same problem?

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I am just in the process of internationalizing an application. My experience has been so far successful with the Java part which I plan to extend to the report part. The key was to learn that Java Properties class defaults to ISO-8859-1 encoding.


After using the load() method on the inputStream I took an Enumeration of the keys and used the next two lines to do the work:


byte[] valueInBytes = prop.getProperty( key ). getBytes("ISO-8859-1");


prop.setProperty( key, new String( valueInBytes, "UTF-8"));


I plan to try the same method on the properties loaded in the JRDataSource. I wish I could tell you that I already did this but it is worth a shot. One thing I am sure of is that the Properties load() method defaults to ISO-8859-1.

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I am just in the process of internationalizing an application. My experience has been so far successful with the Java part which I plan to extend to the report part. The key was to learn that Java Properties class defaults to ISO-8859-1 encoding.


After using the load() method on the inputStream I took an Enumeration of the keys and used the next two lines to do the work:


byte[] valueInBytes = prop.getProperty( key ). getBytes("ISO-8859-1");


prop.setProperty( key, new String( valueInBytes, "UTF-8"));


I plan to try the same method on the properties loaded in the JRDataSource. I wish I could tell you that I already did this but it is worth a shot. One thing I am sure of is that the Properties load() method defaults to ISO-8859-1.

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