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Problem loading compiled report


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I'm writing a webapp for tomcat that uses a servlet to display a report, using jasperreports-1.2.6. The report is compiled at compile-time through an ant-task, then it is loaded at runtime with:


JasperReport jasperReport = (JasperReport)JRLoader.loadObject(jasperReportFile);

but this instruction thwows an exception (here is e.toString() output):

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Class not found when loading object from file : /home/riccardo/Progetto/tomcat/webapps/jasperPortlet/WEB-INF/report/WebAppReport.jasper

and of course the file exits and it's the result of a successful compilation of a jrxml file...

What's happening here? I made an hello world report with ireport and it doesn't work anyway.

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its all just because u'r not storing the .Jasper file which is the file generated at compile time. into the folder which u'r expecting to get that file.


so just check it where its storing, that .Jasper file.



u can specify it in the servlet where u need to save the .Jasper .

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its all just because u'r not storing the .Jasper file which is the file generated at compile time. into the folder which u'r expecting to get that file.


so just check it where its storing, that .Jasper file.



u can specify it in the servlet where u need to save the .Jasper .

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