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EJBQL Connection problem


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I want to use an EJBQL connection as datasource for my report.


I fill the "Name" and "Persistance Unit Name" fields and I select from the listbox "EJBQL connection".


I've tried to set the CLASSPATH to my persistence.xml file with the export command from a console and I've tried to set it inside iReport too.


The error is always the same: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named XXX.


Where's the problem? What I need to make this thing work?





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Place the persistence.xml in meta-inf directory and jar the entity class along with "META_INF" folder.

place the jar in ireprot\platform9\lib folder.

restart the ireport, set class path to persistence jar files, and custom jar file.


Hope this helps.


-Sonata software Limited 



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