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Counting field occurrence with a variable


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I have a report that will be have rows of data and captions. I don't know how many rows of data will exist, but I want to place a bar after every 2 caption rows. I have a field that can tell me if a row is a caption or a data, and I can handle placing the bar, if I know how many captions I have printed up to that point.



What I need to figure out is how to keep track of the number of captions that have been printed. I think I need a variable, but I am unsure of how to format the variable.


I think I need something similar to this:

<variable name="CaptionCount" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Report" calculation="Count">
variableExpression><![CDATA[($F{Type}.equals("caption"«»)? increment count: do nothing)]]></variableExpression>
<initialValueExpression><![CDATA[new Integer(0)]]></initialValueExpression>


Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for any thoughts you might have.



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calculation="Count" counts all the not-null values, therefore you need

<variable name="CaptionCount" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Report" calculation="Count">
<variableExpression><![CDATA[($F{Type}.equals("caption"«»)? "count me" : null)]]></variableExpression>


You can also use Sum

[code]<variable name="CaptionCount" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Report" calculation="Sum">
<variableExpression><![CDATA[($F{Type}.equals("caption"«»)? new Integer(1) : new Integer(0))]]></variableExpression>




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