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splitting the report into 2 halves

2006 IR Open Dicussion

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By: Tony - tt_linux

splitting the report into 2 halves

2006-05-28 23:40



I am new to iReport. Will someone kindly point me in the right direction.


i need a report that does the following:


Tables: Buyer and BuyerItem (buyer item descriptions)


In the detail section i need the report to show:




Summary Details

total sales: $xxxx | item 1 $xxx

less paid $xxxx | item 2 $xxx

net $xxxx | item 3 $xxx

item 4 $xxx

item 5 $xxx

item 6 $xxx



The item list on the right can flow into the next page as each buyer can purchase many items.

But the summary (on the left) of report can only occur once on the first page of the report.


What do i need to do ?



I have a copy of the latest iReport official manual. Don't seem to find the answer in there.


Thanks for any help.







By: Tony - tt_linux

RE: splitting the report into 2 halves

2006-05-28 23:45



oops the columns were screwed up. here is the repost of the split report:


ummary Details

total sales: $xxxx | item 1 $xxx

less paid $xxxx | item 2 $xxx

net $xxxx | item 3 $xxx

| item 4 $xxx

| item 5 $xxx

| item 6 $xxx







By: Tony - tt_linux

RE: splitting the report into 2 halves

2006-05-28 23:56



arghhhh ! let me try again, don't seem to be able to get it right !!!


Summary ----------------- Details


total sales: $xxxx | item 1 $xxx

less paid $xxxx | item 2 $xxx

net $xxxx | item 3 $xxx


**************** | item 4 $xxx

**************** | item 5 $xxx

**************** | item 6 $xxx



Please ignore the '*', just place holders to enable this message to be displayed correctly.

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