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Passing Parameter to a JavaBean datasource

2006 IR Open Dicussion

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By: Craig Butts - craigbutts

Passing Parameter to a JavaBean datasource

2006-05-02 13:59

I have developed a report based on a JavaBean and now I need to be able to pass a parameter to the JavaBean. Is there a way in iReport to do this?





By: N Olding - oldingn

RE: Passing Parameter to a JavaBean datasourc

2006-05-02 14:13

Use a HashMap, and pass it as a parameter to the Fill call.

Here's an example that passes today's date as a parameter, plus a bean with some other data:


Map inputParameters = new HashMap();

inputParameters.put("today", new Date());


APJasperRptBean bean = new APJasperRptBean();




APJasperRptBean[] beans = new APJasperRptBean[1];

beans[0] = bean;

JRDataSource jds = new JRBeanArrayDataSource(beans);


jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jr,

inputParameters, jds);


Hope it helps.






By: Craig Butts - craigbutts

RE: Passing Parameter to a JavaBean datasourc

2006-05-02 15:03


Thank you for your response, this answers a question I had about how to fill the parameter when I go to deploy the report. However, I should have been clearer in my request. Is there a way - while in the iReport tool - to pass a parameter to the javabean? I found an article [12341537] that indicates states the JavaBean factory method cannot contain parameters. This article was from 2004. Is this still a limitation as this is what I am really trying to do.


Thanks again for your response - the information does help me for a later point in my development.




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I have the same problem..

The SQL is not powerfull enough to match my need and if the JavaBean datasource has no way to receive parameters then i don't know what it can be used for...

So, if someone find a way to pass params to a JavaBean datasource, i'm really really interested, or i will have to fine another reporting tool :(

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