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providing BeanSource with user parameters

2006 IR Open Dicussion

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By: GGShinobi - ggshinobi

providing BeanSource with user parameters

2006-03-23 09:29

Hi there,


when using iReport with a JDBC connection, I can use parameters filled by the user ("is for prompting"-parameters) to limit the scope of the result that the sql-query returns. Here is an example of this for better understanding:



FROM myTable



name like '*Blub*'

AND age < 99


Where the value of the Parameter "SelectRestriction" is passed by the user because it's for prompting. When running this report, the user could restrict the returned data from the sql-query by example to data that only contains the street "Jasper-Street" by entering "street = 'Jasper-Street' AND" as the parameter.


Now I'm looking for a way to get that same functionality when using the iReport with Beans as a datasource. I want to pass the "is for prompting"-Parameters to the Bean-Source, so that the source can restrict the returned data to the report, depending on the passed parameters. But I don't know how I can access the paramters!


For example, I used the JRAbstractBeanDataSourceProvider, and tried to access the parameters via the JasperReport "report" that is passed when calling the "create"-method. I used the report.getParameters()-method to get the parameters, but all the parameters inside the returned array where JRBaseParameters. And I found no way of getting the value from a JRBaseParameter.

So, I tried to access the REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP directly, but I found no way to reference it, because calling JRParameter.REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP only returns a static string.


I think I have some fundamental misunderstanding, because I thought I would get the Map. Is there any way of getting the value of "is for prompting"-Parameters when using Beans, so that I can work with the parameter values inside my BeanProvider?


Thank you very much for any help






By: Craig Butts - craigbutts

RE: providing BeanSource with user parameters

2006-05-02 14:43


I am trying to do this same thing - have you discovered a solution yet?




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