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subreports : how to do one ?

2006 IR Open Dicussion

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By: titlola - titlola

subreports : how to do one ?

2006-04-10 00:41



i'm a french girl who's working on ireport with jaserreports to make a demonstration and i don't find any explanation on the web about subreports with ireports.


how can i make one? can someone tell me in a simple way how to create one?


thanks a lot





By: Rick62 - rick62

RE: subreports : how to do one ?

2006-04-11 01:42

In your main report, define your subreport in Detail band or in other place.

define the path to reach datasource in Subreport tab (for example :

((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDataSource("/famille/sous-famille/nom") for an XML file.

the name of the subreport in SUbreport(other)

For example : "crosstab_familles.jasper" in Subreport expression (Connexion/Datasource expression).

Then create your subreport Crosstab_familles.

I hope I'm clear (but I can translate in french ...)





By: titlola - titlola

RE: subreports : how to do one ?

2006-04-11 02:05

I'm sorry, I don't understand how you proceed, I've tried to insert a subreport in ireport 1.2.0 and the problem is that when I compile, I only see the results of the main report.


I've also tried with the wizard in ireport 1.2.1 but there's an error with "filling print report"


If you can translate in french, that would be great too, it's as you like


thx :)





By: venkat - venkat1201

RE: subreports : how to do one ?

2006-04-11 21:05



i think u'r not using the proper parameter in the connection/datasource Expression .better u pass the "REPORT_CONNECTION" patameter which is available. u will get it and go through the vidio tutorials which r availlable in the below url

http://ireport.sourceforge.net/index.php?p_module=page&pageid=8. download this file and there is some vidio tutorial for it "video_tutorials.zip ".





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