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Help! string selecting on expression

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By: Joseph Wu - thwu

Help! string selecting on expression

2002-10-27 22:49

I would like to dynamic selecting string on textfields, for example:



if $F{Grade}.floatValue > 90 return String("A")

else if ${Grade}.floatValue > 80 & ${Grade}.floatValue <= 90 return String("B")




Or, can I create a custom class and function to execture selection statement like,


<textField> myClass.myFunction{$Grade}





my.Class.myFunction(Stirng Grade){

if (Grade > 90){

return String("A");

}else if (Grade > 80 & Grade <= 90){

return String("B");




Please help, Thanks!



By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: Help! string selecting on expression

2002-10-28 00:46

I have make the same for printing a date in a my custom manner.

I have writed a class MyDate that expose a static mehtod like String formatMyDate(java.util.Date date)

The textfield expression was:

formatMyDate( $F{DATE} )

and set the class of field to java.lang.String

It works fine.








By: tihua - meggie

RE: Help! string selecting on expression

2002-10-28 08:31

how could we let the application know your MyDate class? if we put it in the lib or jar under tomcat, will it recognize? or we have to do some special configuration?



By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Help! string selecting on expression

2002-10-28 12:29





How do you let your Web application know any

of your classes?



You either put them in the /WEB-INF/classes

directory of your Web application or in JAR that

you place under /WEB-INF/lib


Of course, if you insist, you could place the JAR

under the /lib directory of Tomcat, but I don't think

anybody would recommend you to do that.


JasperReports can use any class that your Web

application can use. You only have to make sure

that in the report expressions you use the

complete name of the class, including the package



I hope this helps.





By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Help! string selecting on expression

2002-10-28 12:33




It looks like you already know the solution.

Why didn't you try it?

Go for the custom class!


You could also use imbricate conditional operators

(?:), just like you would normally do in a very

complex Java expression.

The custom class is more appropriate as you can

easy debug you code.


Good luck!


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