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no .jasper extension after compiling

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By: Wim Sneyers - miwsney

no .jasper extension after compiling

2004-07-28 04:24

When i compile my report.jrxml file in iReport, i get a compilationfile without extension. This file should have a .jasper extension.

Does anyone know why my file doesn't have the .jasper extension and what i have to do to create .jasper compilation file.

Is this a setting in iReport because i can't find anything?



Compiling a 'report.jrxml' report gives me a new compilation file: 'report' in stead of 'report.jasper'





By: bcinteractive - bcinteractive

RE: no .jasper extension after compiling

2004-07-28 05:47

The first and only thing I can tell you that might solve this....put tools.jar file in iReport/lib.


Hope this helps.





By: superzech - superzech

RE: no .jasper extension after compiling

2004-07-28 20:25

it doesn't produce .jasper file either.is there any other way to get .jasper file using IReport?







By: laj lal - lajslal

RE: no .jasper extension after compiling

2004-07-28 20:39

I had this problem, too, actually. I had to manually add the '.jasper' extension.


But when I recently moved to a different computer and installed iReport on that, it works fine. I don't remember what version I was using previously, but (just possibly) your problems might be solved by getting the latest release of iReport.





By: Kenneth CHIK - kennethchik

RE: no .jasper extension after compiling

2004-07-29 22:22

I've got the same problem even using iReport 0.3.2 + JDK v1.4.2_04.


Is there any parameter that could fix this?





By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: no .jasper extension after compiling

2004-07-30 04:53


Check where you are saving your jasper compiled files in options panel.


iReport 0.3.2 save correclty .jasper files.







By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: no .jasper extension after compiling

2004-10-21 14:15


Can you post the report?







By: mir_shajahan - comp_shajahan

RE: no .jasper extension after compiling

2004-10-21 01:25

Hai everyone...


I am trying to compile and test.xml,test.jrxml file into test.jasper


I am using iReport 0.4.0 and I use the Massive Compiler to compile the report....


{Is there any other way to compile the report...?}

{Is manually changing test.jrxml to test.jasper is safe practice}


So, when I compile using Massive Compiler in iReport 0.4.0 I get this following errors:


net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file:

See error messages above.


at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRAbstractJavaCompiler.compileReport(JRAbstractJavaCompiler.java:155)


at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRDefaultCompiler.compileReport(JRDefaultCompiler.java:137)


at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:142)


at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:130)


at it.businesslogic.ireport.plugin.massivecompiler.CompileThread.run(CompileThread.java:101)


at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)



Can anyone plz help me?





By: mir_shajahan - comp_shajahan

RE: no .jasper extension after compiling

2004-10-21 20:41

Hai giulio,

After searching the forum, I found the solution to compile my report. I did this:-


Tools-Option-Compiler- Select Compile from directory.


But sometimes it return error, and when I restart the iReport, it works? But anyhow, mission accomplished...


Thank you...




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