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Parameter Problems

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By: ddelong01 - ddelong01

Parameter Problems

2005-08-10 08:22

I have a strange problem with parameters. I am using iReport to design my report, that has 1 parameter. When I include a default value for my parameter, and preview in iReport, everything is fine (i.e. When I key in various values for the parameter, the report shows with the expected records each time). However, when I run the report in my application, I only get the recordset which corresponds to my default parameter, even when I specify a different parameter value at runtime.


If I omit the default paramater in my .jrxml file, I get a blank page when I preview my report.


My parameter is named 'visitid' and is used for determining a particular invoice number for the invoice report I am trying to generate. As I mentioned, I can preview the reports fine in iReport, but invoice #116 is the only one that shows up when I run the report in my application. Here is a snippet of the jrxml file:


<parameter name="visitid" isForPrompting="true" class="java.lang.Integer">

<defaultValueExpression ><![CDATA[new Integer(116)]]></defaultValueExpression>


<queryString><![CDATA[sELECT *, (tax1+tax2) as taxtotal, (item_quantity * item_cost) as itemtotal FROM CompanyInfo, patient, Billing, Breakdown where ((patient.id = Billing.pat_num) and (Billing.visit_num = Breakdown.visit_num) and (Billing.visit_num = $P!{visitid})) group by Breakdown.id]]></queryString>


Here is how I am calling the report:



However the result is always the same as if I do this:



I've tried recompiling the report each time I run it (which I don't believe is necessary), and various other options for the past 2 days. I've also searched through this forum and the JasperReports forum without finding a solution. Can anyone please help?








By: ddelong01 - ddelong01

RE: Parameter Problems

2005-08-10 12:10

Ah nm, its solved...it was combination of changing from an integer to s string, and also defining it in the 'Map parameters' section of my jsp file.



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