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Is recursion in iReports possible?

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By: Jen - jjkemp

Is recursion in iReports possible?

2004-07-08 06:11

I need to do a BOM report....

Is it possible to do recursion with iReports?

If so, does anyone know how?







By: Jen - jjkemp

RE: Is recursion in iReports possible?

2004-07-08 07:06

Product Stucture... Finished Goods with all the components....

So, how do I do it?






By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: Is recursion in iReports possible?

2004-07-08 07:21


You must use subreports. Subreport can be recursive.


Using a custom datasource able to produce dinamically sub datasources you can fill your subreports recursively.








By: Jen - jjkemp

RE: Is recursion in iReports possible?

2004-07-08 07:38

I know I need to use subreports, but I'm not sure how to retrieve the recursive effect....

This is what I'm trying to produce....

Finished Good Part

Component 1

Component 2

Component 3


But, each of the components can also have multiple components, and each of those can also have components....

I need to list them all






By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: Is recursion in iReports possible?

2004-07-08 06:56

Yes, recursion is possible.

But what is a BOM ?







By: Mark Rhodes - mrhodes2

RE: Is recursion in iReports possible?

2004-07-08 09:14

I think this is a data query problem, not a report problem. I had similar problem used a view with 3 union queries to get the data. Luckily my recursion never went beyond two levels. If you have unlimited levels this would be challenging. I didn't use subreports.





By: Rick Millar - rmillar

RE: Is recursion in iReports possible?

2004-07-08 10:44

Is the query for each recursion identical? If so, you may be able to define a subrereport that itself contains a subreport. The nested subreport would refer to the 1st level subreport, for recursion. I believe you have to use a "print when" expression for the subreport so that when you reach a no more components condition, you can end the recursion.





By: Jen - jjkemp

RE: Is recursion in iReports possible?

2004-07-08 11:40

Sounds like that would work, but can you tell me the format for the "print when" expressions?

Or point me toward a tutorial or FAQ for this?

I'm new to iReports, so I have no idea what it's suppose to include.






By: Rick Millar - rmillar

RE: Is recursion in iReports possible?

2004-07-08 12:23

I believe the "print when" expression like all expressions in iReports can be any valid Java expression. However, in the case of a "print when" expression it must return a type of boolean.


Here is what I have as a print when expression in one of my reports.


new Boolean( $P{SHOW_USERS}.equalsIgnoreCase("y") )


It is a simple case where if the value of my parameter SHOW_USERS is equal to the string value "y," then the subreport is called.


In your case, I think you may need an expression that returns false when the value (component_id?) you pass to the subreport is null.







By: Jen - jjkemp

RE: Is recursion in iReports possible?

2004-07-15 07:27

It's not working....

My file has the fields component and parent

My main report selects parents where the component = input paremter; it has subreport A with a paremeter of parent

My subreport A selects parents where the component = input parameter (parent from main report); it has subreport B with a paremter of parent

My subreport B selects parents where the component = input paremeter (parent from subreport A); it has subreport A with a paremter of parent; it has a print when condition of parent = null

I'm only getting 2 levels, the input component, it's parent, and the parent's parent; there are at least 4 levels


What do I have wrong? Can anyone follow this and offer help?

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