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Problem with Report Wizard

2006 IR Open Discussion

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By: jmarandall - jmarandall

Problem with Report Wizard

2005-10-26 10:08

New to iReport. I was able to successfully create two different connections/datasources: one to the Northwind.mdb via the org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver and one to one of my company's databases using com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver. I clicked on the Test button and successfully connected to each. However, after setting one of these as the active connection (via Build menu option) and clicking on File, REport Wizard to create a query (e.g., select * from customers order by country for the Northwind.md db), I got following message:

java.sql.SQL.Exception: Table not found: CUSTOMERS in statement [select * from customers order by country]

at org.hsqldb.Trace.getError(Trace.java:180)

at org.hsqldb.jdbcResultSet.<init>(jdbcResultSet.java:2645)

at org.hsqldb.jdbcConnection.executeStandalone(jdbcConnection.java:994)

at org.hsqldb.jdbcConnection.execute(jdbcConnection.java:721)

at org.hsqldb.jdbcStatement.fetchResult(jdbcStatement.java:686)

at org.hsqldb.jdbcStatement.executeQuery(jdbcStatement.java:68)

at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.WizardDialog.run(WizardDialog.java:1200)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)


I also noticed that the 'Ok' button was not working in the SQL Error dialog box. I had to exit the window using the 'x' button in the upper right corner.


I am using Windows 2000 Server.

iReport 0.5.1


Java J2SE 1.4.2 (j2sdk-1_4_2_04-nb-3_6-bin-windows.exe)


I am able to compile a simple text-only report (no connection to a db).


Any ideas?




By: Kevin - eventronix

RE: Problem with Report Wizard

2005-10-26 12:44

This error most likely means that your SQL query is not valid try opening the database in a db tool to verify the talbles exist and your query is valid. a good one is db visualizer



By: jmarandall - jmarandall

RE: Problem with Report Wizard

2005-10-26 12:55

I've already done that. The query works fine. The table is there and the fields are there. I've run the query in Access 97 and another tool.


I recall another posting in which the author asks if iReport works with Jasperreports ver 1.0.2? Do you know if that may be a problem? Thanks in advance.



By: pwarda - pwarda

RE: Problem with Report Wizard

2006-01-09 10:42

Is there more information concerning this post. I just installed ireports and am following the tutorial in the user manual. I'm getting this error situation and don't know what to do next.


Thanks for any information




By: snipex - snipex

RE: Problem with Report Wizard

2006-05-15 03:11

hsqldb is a memory database and does not run on its own(standalone).once the application is down, it goes down too and nothing can been seen in it.


try change the DB, maybe to mysql.


Post edited by: tcloonan, at: 2006/09/02 10:32

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