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ClassNotFoundException: jfreechartScriptlet

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By: Chengwei, Lee - cwlee

ClassNotFoundException: jfreechartScriptlet

2005-07-04 20:00



I'm using iReport 0.5.0 with JDK 1.4.2_08. Created a pie-chart following the tutorial on iReport's website. Was able to preview the report with the chart on Acrobat Reader.


However when I tried to generate the report using servlet, it failed with "ClassNotFoundException: jfreechartScriptlet". I copied all the jar files from the iReport lib folder to my WEB-INF/lib folder. Also, I even extract the ScriptletCode.class and IReportScriptlet.class to WEB-INF/classes.


Did a search but couldn't find more help. Does anyone has a clue what's going on?







By: Chengwei, Lee - cwlee

RE: ClassNotFoundException: jfreechartScriptl

2005-07-04 21:05

Hi guys,


I realised that iReport creates a scriptlet class for my report and its this file that should have been placed in WEB-INF/classes. Had done so and its working fine now.


Issued closed.

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