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ireport without using database connection

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By: Bikkina - saradabikkina

ireport without using database connection

2005-06-23 23:35

Hi,i require an ireport which has to take data dynamically and which does not use any data base connectivity.how can i do that?can any one please help me out with this.its very urgent


Thanking you






By: inmadgm - inmadgm

RE: ireport without using database connection

2005-06-24 02:04

Hello, I have the same problem.

I have the following code:


Object available_data[]={matri_stock,n_refer,proced,p_compra,


JList myList = new JList(available_data);

MyDataSource dataSource = new MyDataSource(myList);


JasperPrint reporte = JasperFillManager.fillReport("C:\Documents and Settings\Innova Telecom\Mis documentos\SRC\Propios\Inma\TStock.jasper", parameters,dataSource);




The MyDataSource class:


package listados_tecsa;

import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource;

import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;

import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField;

import java.util.Vector;




public class MyDataSource implements JRDataSource {

private Object[][] data; // data source structure

private int index = -1; // current record index


public MyDataSource(javax.swing.JList myList) {


int numero_colonne=myList.getModel().getSize();

Object obj=myList.getModel().getElementAt(0);

Vector ve=(Vector)obj;

int numero_righe=ve.size();

data = new Object[numero_righe][numero_colonne];


for(int x=0;x<numero_colonne;x++){//0 al 12

Object ob=myList.getModel().getElementAt(x);

Vector v=(Vector)ob;

for(int y=0;y<numero_righe;y++){


data[y][x] = v.elementAt(y);










// called in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill package from JRBaseFiller.next() method

// to make certain further data exist

public boolean next() throws JRException {



return (index < data.length);



// called in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill package from JRBaseFiller.next() method

// to get the right field value by means of column name an current record index

public Object getFieldValue(JRField field) throws JRException {

Object value = null;


String fieldName = field.getName();


if ("MATR̓ULA".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][0];


else if ("N? REF. ART.".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][1];


else if ("PROCEDENCIA".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][2];


else if ("PRECIO COMPRA".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][3];


else if ("TIPO IVA".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][4];


else if ("PREV. REACOND.".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][5];


else if ("COSTO TOTAL".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][6];


else if ("PRECIO VENTA".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][7];


else if ("FECHA COMPRA".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][8];


else if ("SEDE".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][9];


else if ("FECHA 1? MATRIC.".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][10];


else if ("N? TOTAL VEH̓ULO".equals(fieldName)) {

value = data[index][11];






return value;



} // end of class


how I must design the report in iReport? Custom Datasource?

how would be the parameter "Map parameters" that I must pass to the method fillReport?








By: ksm - siromani

how to generate report from csv file

2005-06-24 02:24


i am using ireports 0.4.0 for generating reports.upto now i used oracle data base. but now i need to generate report from csv file(text). i created file csv data source.but when i select the csv file in report query menu i am getting problem.when i click on read atribute button i am getting class not found exception.

so where i need to put the csv file.please tell me the detail procedure for generate report .

thanks & regards


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