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How to set value = "" if $F{SNAME}==null

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By: Dharmendra Sharma - dkumar_sharma

How to set value = "" if $F{SNAME}==null

2005-05-26 06:31

Hi All


How to set display value="" if $F{SNAME} == null.


Below is the example how i am using the fields in one text box







here i have to set "" for all fields which may have null values.

whether the "Print When Expression" of iReport will be helpfull, if yes then how? pls some one help me out.


thanks & regards,






By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: How to set value = "" if $F{SNAME}==null

2005-05-26 07:02

( ($F{SNAME} != null) ? $F{SNAME} : "") +"n"+

( ($F{SADDR1} != null) ? $F{SADDR1} : "") +"n"+

( ($F{SADDR2} != null) ? $F{SADDR2} : "") +"n"+

( ($F{SCITY} != null) ? $F{SCITY} : "") +"n"+

( ($F{SSTATE} != null) ? $F{SSTATE} +" ": " ") +

( ($F{SCOUNTRY} != null) ? $F{SCOUNTRY} : "")






By: Dharmendra Sharma - dkumar_sharma

RE: How to set value = "" if $F{SNAME}==null

2005-05-26 07:40

Its working fine now after implementing this.

thanks a lot Giulio





By: kootjekip - kootjekip

RE: How to set value = "" if $F{SNAME}==null

2005-05-30 05:37

some times you will need the real value eg.


(($F{sname}!=null || $F{sname}!="")?$F{sname}:"")+"n" +....

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