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Why don't print page header and footer?

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By: progra - progra

Why don't print page header and footer?

2004-07-01 23:44



my report have the element in all Band except Title band. The problem occour in the last page of report because iReport don't print me all Band except the Summary.

How can tha all Band in the last page of report?







By: Rick Millar - rmillar

RE: Why don't print page header and footer?

2004-07-02 08:31

Make sure to that in your report properties on the "More..." tab that you don't have "Summary on new page" selected.





By: progra - progra

RE: Why don't print page header and footer?

2004-07-04 23:17

Yes, I'm sure and I've don't deselected the "Split allowed" option for the Summary Bands.


Do you have others suggestion?

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