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how to read in CLOB

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By: Tony - massa3

how to read in CLOB

2004-06-08 07:03

Using iReport 0.3.1 and a jdbc connection (oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver) how can I read in an oracle.sql.clob into an iReport field? What type should it be qualified as in iReport?






By: Tony - massa3

RE: how to read in CLOB

2004-06-08 13:57

Can this even be done?





By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: how to read in CLOB

2004-06-08 15:08

I think that you can write a simple class to handle CLOB, a class with a static method like this


static String readCLOB(Object obj)


String txt = "";

if (obj instanceof com.oracle.jdbc.x.y.z.CLOB)


txt = .... code to extract text from clob clob...




return txt;





then you can use expressions like:



MyClass.readCLOB( $F{CLOBFIELD} )



Please not that I don't have tested this proof of concept.







By: Tony - massa3

RE: how to read in CLOB

2004-06-08 16:12

Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a try.






By: Tony - massa3

RE: how to read in CLOB

2004-06-14 14:49

Having trouble accessing an external class like MyClass (see other posts) in the report.java file created by iReports.

If I call my report "MyReport.xml" then iReports generates the MyReport.java (actually jasper generates this). Anyway the MyClass object is referenced in the MyReport.java file but there is no imports for MyClass.java. I suppose its a class path issue. Can anyone offer guidance on how to resolve this issue?





By: Tony - massa3

RE: how to read in CLOB

2004-06-22 15:06

Well I finally got this to work thanks to the help of some knowledgeable developers. It looks like your initial guess was correct. Here is how I call the package in the text field of iReport.




My class then converts the InputStream into a Clob which I pass to another class that parses the clop and outputs a String.


public static String convertClobObjToString(Object obj) throws SQLException {


String txt = "";

if (obj instanceof java.sql.Clob)


Clob clob = (Clob)obj;

txt = convertClobToString(clob);


return txt;




The convertClobObjToString method uses the

Reader in = clob.getCharacterStream();


Then parsing of the stream begins, appending each byte as a string to a string buffer.


Hope this helps someone.






By: Tony - massa3

RE: how to read in CLOB

2004-06-23 06:59

Forgot to mention I had to edit the xml file :

<field name="CLOB_DESC" class="java.lang.Object"/>



and the textField is of type java.lang.String





By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: how to read in CLOB

2004-06-24 00:59

You can add your field from the fields window, instead to edit xml.


Anyway all seems good.



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