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Help with subreports

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By: Marc - kantspel

Help with subreports

2004-05-30 18:13



I am using iReport 0.3.1, and I am running Windows XP.

I have two reports, one I would like to be a subreport, and the other is a master report. I need to pass in a parameter to the master report, that I continue to pass to the subreport. They both work independently; they return the proper rows.

However, when I place the subreport box into the master report and set it up (I watched the recorded movies), it compiles fine, but when I try to run it (with or without a connection), I get this error:

java.io.InvalidClassException: dori.jasper.engine.base.JRBaseReport; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 502, local class serialVersionUID = 503

I have no idea what this means.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!







By: Joachim Van der Auwera - triathlon98

RE: Help with subreports

2004-05-31 02:12

One of the two reports need to be recompiled using the latest Jasper Reports.







By: Marc - kantspel

RE: Help with subreports

2004-06-01 13:22

Hi, thanks for your answer.


Please excuse the potential stupidity of this question, but I have Jasper Reports 0.5.3, and I have absolutely no idea how to compile a report. I looked on the Jasper Reports website, and I can't quite understand how to compile.

Could anyone help me out please?








By: Rick Millar - rmillar

RE: Help with subreports

2004-06-01 14:38

The easiest way to compile your reports is to use i-Report designer. The compile button and the run buttons will compile your report. I've encountered the problem you are having when I've upgraded i-reports and/or jasper reports and recompiled my master report with the newer version but did not recompile the subreports. You problem should resolve itself simply by opening your master report and all subreports in the same version of i-report and re-compiling them.


I think I read in the release notes for the last release of i-Reports that it now has a bulk compile capability to allow you to re-compile your reports in batch mode. I haven't tried it yet.









By: Marc - kantspel

RE: Help with subreports

2004-06-07 17:09

Hi sorry I've been away from my computer for a few days; thanks for your answers.


You are correct, I upgraded to the new iReports, and now I'm getting this error for the first time. I tried compiling it with iReports, and it didn't work. Then I tried remaking both of the forms in the new iReports from scratch, and for some reason, I'm still getting the same error.


I'm totally confused as to what is happening, if you have any other ideas, could you let me know?








By: Rick Millar - rmillar

RE: Help with subreports

2004-06-08 08:04

Hmmmm.... I'm not sure what it would be if you are starting from scratch and it still does it. One thing you might try just to be absolutely sure that you are referencing all the new files when you run the master, is make sure you delete or move the original subreport .jasper files. If the problem still persists, post the xml files here, and maybe a second set of eyes can see the problem.







By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: Help with subreports

2004-06-08 15:25

Please note that iReport 0.3.1 has a bug: compiled files are named "xxxx." instead of "xxx.jasper".

This could be the problem.







By: Marc - kantspel

RE: Help with subreports

2004-06-16 19:27

aha that was the problem!

I used the compiler plugin and it worked!

yay thanks guys!

I do have another problem, I walked through the subreport movie on the site, and did all the steps properly, and for some reason i get a big blank space where i would expect the subreport to be! :(

I'm sure it's some tiny little thing, but I can't get it to display properly :(

do you guys have any suggestions or should i post my xml files? (they are really big :()




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