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XML Datasource XPath problem

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By: Vincenzo Amoruso - vinciamo

XML Datasource XPath problem

2005-03-17 08:44


I'm trying to read some Rows in XML document using JRXmlDatasource (jasper)!

But in the detail of report i can see only the first Row!











the Xpath selection writed in description

of the field is '/Doc/Row/MyTag'


I've tried all Xpath selection with no results!

Thanks in advance!


Regards Vincenzo!






By: Friedemann Becker - fnbecker

RE: XML Datasource XPath problem

2005-03-17 12:11

I think your Datasource should look like "sourcepath/Doc/Row", because it's the "Row" tag that's repeating, and your field descriptor should be "MyTag"





By: Vincenzo Amoruso - vinciamo

RE: XML Datasource XPath problem

2005-03-18 02:15

Thanks Friedemann!

I've tried in your way but there's the same result!

Could be possible that i need to create a subreport to viewing the rows detail!

My report reads header tags and detail tags togheter!








By: Friedemann Becker - fnbecker

RE: XML Datasource XPath problem

2005-03-18 02:26

I always use subreports.


try something like this:

within the master report, in the subreport element set


dataSourceExpression ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource) $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).dataSource("/Doc/Row")





(this is optional, you will have the same parameters as in your master report)


and your subReportExpression of course.


in the subreport you will have to define a field with name mytag and description "MyTag", so you can write


$F{mytag} for the field's contents


try to use and modify the XML-Datasource example in the documentation, it has a master and a subreport, is quite simple, but has everything you will need to do pretty nice XML-Datasource things.






By: Vincenzo Amoruso - vinciamo

RE: XML Datasource XPath problem

2005-03-21 05:40

Thanks Friedemann!

you were right!

Using correct datasource Doc/Row my report now works!


Thanks again!


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