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REPORT_DATA_SOURCE Built-in parameter ???

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By: nosferatuz - nosferatuz

REPORT_DATA_SOURCE Built-in parameter ???

2005-03-11 06:49

I am using a master report with subreport that compile and run perfectly in iReport with one XML datasource.


I am using a datasource expression like this one :




I bought the documentation about iReport, but there are no informations about REPORT_DATA_SOURCE parameter.


Is it Built-in ? Because I do not need to specify this parameter in parameters list.


The problem I have is when I want to integrate my reports in my program I don't know what to do with this parameter to feed the subreport.


Please help me !


for more information you can see my other thread at : https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1236806&forum_id=217623



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