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Bug when setting up image

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By: Michel - micheljr

Bug when setting up image

2003-02-22 06:12

Hi Teodor,


Everytime I try to insert an image, the word "CDATA" is inserted by iReport in the xml source code.

See below:

<imageExpression class="java.io.File"><![CDATA[new File($P{BaseDir}, "../img/logo.gif")]]></imageExpression>


I can correct my xml source code removing the word "CDATA" using Notepad, but when I load it using iReport, the "CDATA" is automatically inserted again.


Hope you can solve this.






By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Bug when setting up image

2003-02-22 12:31




This is not a bug.

The <![CDATA[ and the ]]> character sequences

are part of the XML syntax.

They allow you to put special characters inside

the text body of XML elements.


You just let these delimiters in place because they

do not pose any problem and in many cases they

even help.


Check this for example:




I hope this helps.


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