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Getting Started with IReport 0.2.3

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By: Nishant Miglani - nishantm

Getting Started with IReport 0.2.3

2004-03-22 12:57



I was wondering how to get IReport up and running once I download the ireport jar file.







By: Alex Kotchnev - polrtex

RE: Getting Started with IReport 0.2.3

2004-03-22 17:38

Did you just download the jar file ? I was under the impression that when you download iReport, you get a whole directory tree.. If you do have the whole tree, then:


1. Apparently, you need a JRE/JDK to run it.

2. If you have Ant, you can run iReport.bat or iReport.sh (depending on the platform)

3. Better yet, you can always run the startup.bat/startup.sh in the noAnt subdirectory.


If you want to run iReport right off the jar file and all the necessary libraries (including iReport.jar) are in your classpath you can probably run:

java it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame (taken from startup.bat)





By: Michael - seimic

RE: Getting Started with IReport 0.2.3

2004-03-23 07:13


I donwloaded the following file


iReport- (java implementiation)


It contains a batch file iReport.bat with the following line at the end


%ANT_HOME%binant iReport


But there is no build.xml in the zip archive.

Did it ever work in the past?







By: Michael - seimic

RE: Getting Started with IReport 0.2.3

2004-03-23 11:29

> I'm not fully sure Michael, but don't you need to download version 0.2.3 before downloading


Ehmm.. well you know... :-) I should visit my optician.


I did the following and it works.


1) unpack 0.2.3

2) unpack over it (overwrite existing files)

3) start it with the following batch file


@echo off

if "%1"=="" goto startup

set CP=%CP%;%1

goto end


set CP=.classes

for %%i in (".lib*.jar") do call %0 %%i

for %%i in (".lib*.zip") do call %0 %%i

for %%i in (".db_drivers*.jar") do call %0 %%i

for %%i in (".db_drivers*.zip") do call %0 %%i

start javaw -cp %CP% it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame

set CP=









By: Nishant Miglani - nishantm

RE: Getting Started with IReport 0.2.3

2004-03-23 07:30

I'm not fully sure Michael, but don't you need to download version 0.2.3 before downloading


Thanks, Alex for your earlier answer. I have a follow-up question:


I just downloaded the jar file and need to incorporate it into the existing 0.2.3 that I have running already. How do I do that?





By: Alex Kotchnev - polrtex

RE: Getting Started with IReport 0.2.3

2004-03-23 11:47

I'm pretty certain you need to install 0.2.3 before applying So, basically, here is what you have to do:

1. Download ireport 0.2.3. Unzip into a directory.

2. Download ireport Unzip into a temp directory, then copy the content of the archive over the 0.2.3 installation (accept on all overwrite messages).


This is what I did - I am not exactly sure if this is the right way to go, but it seems to be working for me.


Alex K





By: Nishant Miglani - nishantm

RE: Getting Started with IReport 0.2.3

2004-03-23 13:44

It works. As you advised, I unzipped over 0.2.3.


Thanks Alex, Michael.



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