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"Elem...outside band area" - no other error

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By: Luciano Zanin - cianoz

"Elem...outside band area" - no other error

2004-03-18 00:35

I'm repeatetly getting this error and i can't compile my report:

Warning : Element bottom reaches outside band area : y=16 height=1 band-height=1


No other errors are shown, just this !

I can't find any element marked in red positioned outside his band limits, and i can't guess what is telling is wrong !

Anyone is experienced with this warning ?





By: Rick Millar - rmillar

RE: "Elem...outside band area" - no other err

2004-03-18 08:11

Warning messages will not prevent you from compiling your report--errors will. As far as I can tell, one of your elements (e.g. text fields, labels, or graphics) is defined such that the bottom if it exceeds the defined limit of the band in which the element resides.


I have seen this warning many times, but it has never caused my report to fail complilation. If your report is not compiling, I think you probably have another issue as the cause. Please describe what is happening in more detail? Is the compile really failing, or are you getting a blank report etc.?







By: Luciano Zanin - cianoz

RE: "Elem...outside band area" - no other err

2004-03-18 10:36

Thank you for reply

I worked around a little and i can confirm that:

? any elements is red marked because explicitly out of his area

? report is not compiled


But modifying and/or deleting some elments in the band that has the same hight the msg tell i found that a line causes the problem, although it seems to be ok about position and size. Deleting it and saving the report i can compile the report.


It should be useful that iReport could specify what is the problem of that element in a case like this.







By: Rick Millar - rmillar

RE: "Elem...outside band area" - no other err

2004-03-18 11:53



Good information. I agree that the warning message would me much more helpful if it identied which element is the offending one. I often ignore the warning because the report compiles and appears to work and it takes too much time isolate the problem element.



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