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Problem when passing a image as inputStream


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By: Igor Bessa Menezes - igorbessa

Problem when passing a image as inputStream

2003-06-11 08:02

Hi there,


I have a problem when passing a image as inputStream. I put a Image elemente on the page header, that element shows a image that I´m passing by parameter to the report as inputStream. The error ocurr when the report shows more than one page. See it:


dori.jasper.engine.JRException: Error generating PDF report : client


nested exception:


java.io.IOException: java.awt.Image fetch aborted or errored


ps: When the report shows only one page, this error not occur.


I hope somebody help me...




Igor Bessa






By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

RE: Problem when passing a image as inputStream

2003-06-11 08:28

Try to post the problem on http://www.sf.net/projects/jasperreports or search for this problem on jasperreports forum.


I suggest you to retrive the image from the stream yourself and then pass it to the report as parameter. In this way you can have a cache effect if the image must be retrived more that one time. In effect at any image request, the strem is not reset and you can have an IOException








By: Igor Bessa Menezes - igorbessa

RE: Problem when passing a image as inputStream

2003-06-11 12:25


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