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How to generate Dynamic Report

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By: jigsh - jignesh_tandel

How to generate Dynamic Report

2005-07-23 00:02



i am jignesh tandel.i am a user of your Product of develope reports i.e jasper and ireport.

it has effective and user friendly GUI.

it very easy to develope static reprots using IREPROT.


but,here i have problem of dynamically generate report design i.e. differet report has only one design which is

change dynamically.


that's why i have probelm of create page header,details foolter sections dynamically and also static and dynamic filed


for the solution i thought to generate .jrxml file in JAVA and passed it to jasper compiler for createing .jasper file

and use fillreport function to fill it


above solution might be right or not this is as per your opnion ?


if it is right then how to create .jasper file from .jrxml file ?


if it is wrong then please suggest me better solution ?


here i request to solve above problems.


waiting for your favourable reply.


yours' truely


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