If needed files are missing, as shown in “Suggested Resources in the Resources List”, you need to take one of the following actions:
| • | Upload resources that the report needs |
| • | Select a resource from the repository |
| If the Controls & Resources page doesn’t suggest resources, perhaps the report doesn’t reference any. However, the server can’t always detect all the referenced resources, as discussed in Uploading Undetected File Resources. |
To upload a resource from the file system:
| 1. | On the Controls & Resources page, click Add Now in the row of the missing resource, for example, LogoLink. The Locate File Resource page appears. |
| 2. | Choose Upload a Local File then click Choose File. |
| 3. | Browse to <js-install>/samples/images. The LogoLink file is not available, but you can use an alternate image, such as <js-install>/samples/images/jasperreports.png. |
| 4. | Click Open to return to the Locate File Resource dialog. |
| 5. | Click Next. The Add a Report Resource page appears. |
Properties of a Resource |
| The properties include the LogoLink name, resource ID, and description. |
| 6. | Click Next to accept the default naming of the file resource. |
The Controls & Resources page appears again, showing that the LogoLink resource was added.
To add a resource from the repository:
| 1. | To add the second resource, click Add Now in the row for AllAccounts_Res2. |
| 2. | Choose Select a resource from the Repository and Browse to an image file, for example, Public > Samples > Images > Jaspersoft_logo.png. |
| Any image file works. |
The path to the image appears in the wizard.
| 4. | Click Next. The Add a Report Resource page displays the properties of the image as set in the uploaded JRXML file. |
| The properties include the LogoLink name, resource ID, and description. These properties don’t redefine the properties of the Jaspersoft_logo.png file in the repository. |
| 5. | Click Next to accept the default naming of the file resource. |
The Controls & Resources page reappears, showing the addition of both resources referenced in the main JRXML.
| 6. | Click Data Source and define a data source as described in the next section. |
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